Polypus or polyp which word is correct?

Introduction:  A soft, pedunculated, or skin-like growth inside the nose is called a polypus, or is it a nasal polyp? Many call it polypus. Many people also call it a nasal polyp. Which one is correct? Today, I will discuss the answer to this question.

The word polyp is the Bengali translation of the English word polypus. The term polyp refers to a pedunculated lump or psychotic growth in the body, such as nasal polyps, rectal polyps, etc. Any pedunculated growth is called a polyp, including nasal polyps, and rectal polyps.

Origin of the word polypus:

The word polypus comes from the Greek language. The word polypus means many legs. That is why nasal polyps are also called polyps. Among all types of polyps found in our body, nasal polyps are distinguished and named polypus.

Nasal polyp

That is, the name polypus has been given to describe nasal polyps more specifically. So all the polypus are polyps, but all the polyps are not polypus.

In the above discussion, we realized that both the words polypus and polyp both are correct. However, the term polypus refers more specifically to nasal polyp.

If we use the word polyp in the case of common readers or individuals, they will easily understand. And if it is mentioned as polypus in the forum of doctors, the matter can be explained more specifically.

In my personal experience, I have noticed while seeing patients in my chambers that most patients so far have used the word polypus to describe their disease. That is, the polyp disease of the nose is better known as polypus.

Symptoms of nasal polyps:

If there is a polypus in the nose, the symptoms that usually appear are:

Nasal congestion: One or both nostrils may be blocked. Nasal congestion can be accompanied by problems such as a runny nose, colds, and a loss of sense of smell.

Headache: Many times there is severe pain in the head. It may be accompanied by sneezing.

Treatment of nasal polyps:

Polypss usually get better in most cases when treated with homeopathic conservative treatment or medication. However, in cases where homeopathic medicine does not cure the disease and the disease causes serious health problems, surgery can be considered. However, in clinical experience, I have seen many patients who came to my chamber cured of polypus by taking homeopathic medicine.

Conclusion: Polypus is usually diagnosed by intranasal examination. Sometimes, due to the Deviation of the Septum problem, the nasal bones are bent, and the nose can become blocked. In the case of this disease, many people mistake it for polypus because some disease symptoms are caused by polypus. So consult an experienced doctor if you have a polypus problem.

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Dr. Dipankar Mondala.
Registered Homeopath.

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